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MCSS Legislative Committee


We are YOUR representatives!  You should be seeing blasts from us concerning legislation and position statements.  If not, let us know! 

  • Confused how to teach controversial issues? Let us know!

  • Concerned about a bill for Social Studies?  Let us know!

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  • Want to recommend a state bill to improve Social Studies?  Let us know!

  • Want to serve the Social Studies teachers of Missouri?  We would love to have you serve with us!  Email and we will add you to our committee (you need to be a member, but it's FREE)!

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Legislative Committee members

Links of Interest:


NCSS Legislative Updates:

Legislative Updates from the National Council for the Social Studies


NCSS Action Alert Center

Official Action updates taken by the National Council for the Social Studies and supported by MCSS


NCSS Position Statements

Official positions from the national

council and their advocacy issues at the local level. 


Missouri House Committee on Education:

Current Members and Bills Under Consideration in the Missouri House of Representatives Regarding Education


Missouri Senate Committee on Education:

Current Members and Bills Under Consideration in the Missouri Senate Regarding Education

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